martes, 15 de noviembre de 2016

AKKA 3000
Hi skillers today we are going to explane the AKKA 3000.
STEP1: Flick up the ball with your strong foot and try to get the ball up your waist height.
STEP2: Rotate your body and touch the ball with the side of your calf, then directly touch it with your wrong foot. Focus on looking at the ball so quickly as possible after the rotation.

Resultado de imagen de akka 3000 gif

martes, 8 de noviembre de 2016

Hi skillers today we are going to explane the sanke flip flap:
STEP 1: Hit the ball with the outside of your foot.
STEP 2: Quickly hit the ball whit the inside of your foot like so keep practicing.

martes, 25 de octubre de 2016

Hi skillers today  we are going to explane the around the world football skill:

STEP 1: Start whit a stall
-Make sure you maintain your balance
STEP 2: Slihtly bend standing leg
-Simultaneously release the ball & swing your foot
-inside to outside: outsaid to inside
STEP 3: Move on to juggling
-Juggles shouls be knee-high and controlled

Resultado de imagen de around the world football skill

Hi, we are going to talk about some of the most important football skills, some of the most popular skills in the world:


    Resultado de imagen de around the world skill gif
  1. ''Around the world''


Resultado de imagen de elastica gif      2.''Elastic''

Resultado de imagen de ruleta skills football gif      3.''Roulette''

    4. ''The bike''

This 5 skill is one of the most difficult skill in our opinion, Top 5: AKKA 3000

Resultado de imagen de akka 3000 gif